• webinar.iraj@gmail.com
  • +91-8895689682

About the Webinar

Welcome to the official website of the  International Webinar On “Urban Horticulture- a necessity for food and the environment” (IWUHNFAE-2024) (-2024). The conference/Webinar will be held online. The Webinar will be organized by IASTEM in Association with Institute of Research and Journals-IRAJ on 30th Jul 2024.

Features of the webinar

The objective features of webinar is Urban horticulture is the science and study of growing plants in an urban environment. Urban horticulture has seen an increase in attention with the global trend of urbanization. In this webinar, the speaker will discuss the necessity and overall benefits of urban horticulture on our food system and environment.

Who can attend our live webinar ?


Business Leaders

Research Scholars




Researchers & Innovators

All the Stakeholders (both Academia & Industry)


Note : Only attendees who will attend the whole Webinar will be eligible to receive the certificate of Participation.

  • E-Certificate will be provided to all the participants.
  • Recorded Video of the webinar series will be shared to all the participants.
  • To get connected with professionals all across the globe.
  • Experts/Speakers Documents(PPT(s),PDF(s) and Tutorial Video(s) etc.) of the webinar will be shared to all the participants.
  • Research and Publication assistance will be provided in all fields.

Webinar at a glance

International Webinar On “Urban Horticulture- a necessity for food and the environment” (IWUHNFAE-2024) will be an engaging online event where World’s round and eminent industry and academic expert speakers will deliver the presentation to a large audience who participate by submitting questions, responding to polls, and using other available interactive tools. It is an event held on Horticulture is defined as that branch of agriculture concerned with growing plants that are used by people for food, for medicinal purposes, and for aesthetic gratification. Horticulture is divided into specializations. The terms used to describe these specializations derive from millennia of common usage and are sometimes at odds with botanical nomenclature. For example, vegetables are described as herbaceous plants of which some portion is eaten raw or cooked during the main part of a meal. Fruits, for horticultural purposes, are described as plants from which a more or less succulent fruit or closely related botanical structure is commonly eaten as a dessert or snack. By these definitions, plants such as tomato, squash and cucumber are considered vegetables despite the fact that the edible portion is defined botanically as a fruit

Our Associates

upcoming conference


                •	Annual bedding plants

•	Oil Seed Crops

•	Field and Grain Crops

•	Forage Crops

•	Deciduous shade trees

•	Cut cultivated greens

•	Potted herbaceous perennials         

Our Expert Speaker

Dr. Urvashi Sharma

Horticulture Programme Designer and Facilitator at Skills Update Training Institute, 19+ years of teaching experience in the field of plant science and horticulture.

Auckland, New Zealand

For More Details Contact

Conference Coordinator


+91-8280047516 (Call / Whatsapp)

